Beta Devlog

For this week, we have overall received a lot of helpful feedback, and we intend on addressing them one by one in the following blog. Thank you for all of your help and we hope that these changes would improve your gaming experience with us.

Stay a while and learn:

Although we have attempted to flesh out an intuitive tutorial in the previous release, it seems players are still generally getting confused, as well as even irritated by the tutorial. We have thus completely revamped the tutorial to not only be interactive and intuitive, but also give a little background to the situation.

Goodbye, Pirate Bot: 

Although we loved working on and bringing you the cool sword (cutlass?), to be quite frank, bringing a sword just didn’t seem to be the best idea in a missile fight. The sword almost always seemed niche and players were incentivized to face each other and showdown with missiles. We are sad to see it go, but the sword has been removed from the robot functions.

Don’t worry righty, I am your shield:

In replacement of the sword, we have replaced it instead with a shield which would now cover the whole front of the robot, it could also deflect missiles, but runs out of energy quickly, so use it wisely. The shield could also bash when double tapped, giving a hefty boost as well as stunning whoever dares to stand in its way.

Very High Paced, Much Wow

We have removed the invincibility frames to provide a more high octane experience, which would hopefully make your missile spams feel even better. In addition, we’ve added health packs on the map to hopefully incentivize players to experience traversing the map.Oh, did I also mention you can destroy buildings now? Yeah, that’s a thing.

A Whole New World, A Whole New Different Set of Sounds:

We have added much more details to the world and made the aesthetic feel much more united and in tone, adding to that we also have added a whole bunch of sound effects and bgm so you can feel more in the heat of the action.

Forget it Jake, it’s minor changes:

  • We have limited spawning of missiles so they don’t fill the map
  • Missile pickups look more pleasing to the eyes
  • Flipped over robots now recover more consistently and easier.

Next Time on DevLogZ:

We hope to tune the games even more not simply in terms of graphics, but also make both pilots of the robot feel equal in importance. We also intend on implementing a multiple round system. We ran into a lot of trouble trying to integrate Parsec perfectly this week, and in consideration of our member’s mental health, we intend to push it to next week instead. We hope you can keep sharing your valuable input, and we can all make this game the best it can be. 

- Best Friends For Life Student Development Team

Files 67 MB
Apr 06, 2020

Get Robot Rumble

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